Friday, October 14, 2011


So got the house yesterday! It feels good to be approved and have decent credit. Worked my ass off enough. Still super stressed out about it all. ( amd they googled me in the background checked and freaked when a jennifer phillips was a sex offender!! Not me btw!!) But it's huge!! And yeah we got a third roommate But he is pretty Kool;) Chewys my man! Amazing back yard for the pups and a nice garage!! It's been a rough road. And still more ahead I'm sure. But I'm thankful for every little thing I have in my life and I'm thankful for being able to respect that and not take it for granted. I know I can lose it all in a split second. But I am gonna work hard to not let that happen! So the house is 3 bedroom 3 1/2 bath with a huge basement. So chewy claimed that as his man cave. So it's like we have top floor. We share middle and chewy gets bottom. Hehehe he wishes;)-

So anyways here are a few pics of the place. We are starting to move later today!! And hopefully settled by the weekend. I still have half a month to
Stay in my apartment. But why would I?!

I also have a doc ap on Monday morning. I hope everything checks out. Bc I'm tired of waiting!!! Wish me luck!!!

Peace out


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I gotta keep believing this..

Bc it was the most honest thing wrote about me. I posted it awhile ago but , well ill post it again!!

It seemed interesting, so I thought Id repost it...

Who is Jennifer Dawn Phillips?

Someone that carries themselves in the most positive way possibly. Someone that knows the meaning of negative, but chooses not to acknowledge it. Someone that doesn't ask for respect..but recieves an immense amount of it.. Someone who's door is always open.. Someone who will give and help and never, ever ask for anything in return..but what makes you "you" the fact that you never expect anything, you do good because it's what you believe in.. it's not to be cool..or to be's because it is naturally part of who you are..Your someone that has loved, been loved..gotten hurt..came out of it on top.. You're a listener..a observe and take note to the people around you..their are are honest..even if its not the best thing to say at that certain time.. you have the courage to do it..because you say what you believe in..regardless of the reprecussions..your one of a love music..all types of music..but you don't listen to much hip hop on your own time. your someone that has seen blue october numerous times..and your the someone that thinks tori amos is a bitch to her fans. Your also someone that thoroughly enjoyed the macoroni bites..and you think jack in the box mad a lame decision... hmm.. your someone that refers to carowinds as a dirty whore of an ex. you think fighting is redneck.. .. your someone that has the ability to say whats going through your head..something that a lot of people should be jealous of..because it's difficult to put it out there. your someone that is okay with themselves..your someone that gets "hey u look like Brittany" you can rock a backwards hat..your loyal..very loyal.. and wont betray someone for a quick laugh..when people confide in you, you take pride in that..and from that keep whatever it is that they need to get off their chest, to yourself. But you are also capable of beating a bitch ..if a bitch were to ever cross a line.. you stand up for the people you care about.. because you know those people will always be there for you.. your someone that can have a blast just lip sinking to the spice girls..and if there's some beer you may even just say screw the lip sinking and start belting it out like its your job. You don't let people's judgments bother you.. but you wouldnt want a close friend upset with you.. you know the difference between what's important and what's not. You are someone that covers their eyes when you sleep.. and your someone that just wants to go to the fucking beach.. you like sugar babies..and mini sirloin burgers.. you like the roller derby girls...your also someone that will put up with a lot of BULL SHIT.. and's not because you don't have the balls to stand up for yourself.. it's because you like to help people, and be there for them.. and half the time you get dicked over its when your helping someone.. so part of you is frustrated..but the other part..still wants to help them..and thats something you believe in..and like i said.. you are someone that stands up for what you believe in.. so it's not that you dont stand up for's that your torn..and your thinking about the pros and cons.. your someone that is very hard to push over the edge.. and your someone that's reading this and like g.d. this is random..and are just some of the attributes that make you who u are.. just certain characteristics that are a part of you.. All in all.. who is Jennifer Dawn Phillips...Jennifer Dawn Phillips. a.k.a. (you are you) and you fucking rock it.
You are also someone that just wants people to take of their mother fuckin shoes once they walk thru that mother fuckin door.

If you didnt know anything about me. that pretty much hit the nail in the head...

