Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Are you team demon?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's 1am, i like frosted flakes.

So how long has it been since I wrote here? I have been through so much since my real last entry, but mostly all good stuff this time. First off, Abby and I are doing well. We got a cute little place in Ballantyne and we are making this work..sure we are working our ass off and I feel like I never see her. But at night...I have her beside me and it feels great. I am not use to writing about love and all that mushy stuff, if you know me then you know how most of my blogs are blunt and not so sweet...but honest. eh..ok so there is so much to talk about. I have pretty much started over in life...this time the smart way, not that i ever made bad decisions..but I can honestly say I gave people to much of my trust and it ran me in the ground. Now I have a little group of friends..and I like it that way..I have Chewie and Shane..I enjoy a couple of my regulars I have met bar-tending...and my derby girls.And of course best...its a nice balance and no crazies involved. Doesn't mean I got them out of my life..but they are not directly involved anymore..some people baffle me and the way they getting a text message from someone who deleted and added you on Facebook more then they prolly change their underwear...someone who was a complete cheating jerk..and pretty much took myself from me...and told me they were proud of me recently..hahaha really? What side of crazy did you wake up on that day? I dontt ever need you to tell me your proud of my accomplishments..ever. That was an ignored text..speaking of my phone, I went to restore and boy did i ever ...right back to the beginning of time..hahaha and i forgot to back it up it was like my phone was living in January again..hahah but it backed it up to calls and texts i hadn't seen in forever...that was funny. That is the only reason I hate the iPhone. Not kool!

Now on to more neat things...I was in my first Derby game July this past month...It was amazing..I was worried about falling when they called me out and introduced scared..but once that went was fine...I only played a few times, I have so much to learn...but I love it and every practice I get it more and more. The reason it has taking me so long..well here is the story...haha I joined when they first started...Then my relationship turned out to be a sham so this put me in the depressed state...and I had to move in with joy and work more so I didn't have much time for derby...sad. Well then I finally got a place and life was good...and I had three jobs but made it to derby...well then...crazy is as crazy does..I had another unfortunate situation and so I had to move to Indian more work...less much driving..well got life figured out a bit...Abby being there for started going well. I made time for derby and I have been going strong ever since...And They are so awesome to understand all the ridiculous stuff I went through..And I do not plan on ever long as I can help it. I have finally reached the goal of being in the game so now...I wanna be the best I can be for the team. I have gotten beat up and last Thursday a punch in the face, by an unidentified fist..hahah no hard feelings...The more i hurt after practice the happier I am I do this..

I got noticed tonight at work from my article in the newspaper ( .about derby ...I was happy about that. She said shes seen the team around and sometimes does work where we practice, she thought it was awesome, and of course i tried to talk her in to joining..Anyone who reads this and is interested, you should totally inquire about'll love it!

Gah I miss my GF...shes not withme at the moment..and It effin stinks..I miss you!! II am kinda disappointed in the writing tonight..I have so much more in my head, why the hell cant i type it...I think because I keep looking forward the things I want to happen in the future that writing about anything in the past might bring me down and isn't worth it.

So I think ill end it now..its 2am and I am getting tired...time to watch Apple Tv till I pass out...and im gonna cuddle with Tye..Thanks for reading...Ill try and keep up more of makes me feel better to Gnight all...and goodnight Abby,,i miss you!


Saturday, July 9, 2011